1.5 Request to de-register TC/CA employee


You must be registered and logged in to DAF ePortal for de-registering an TC/CA employee.

As an TC/CA legal representative you can de-register TC/CA employee for access to the DAF vehicle technical information. You must use Support Center in DAF ePortal to submit the request. DAF will process the de-registration.

The following procedure applies for the TC/CA employee de-registration:

  1. The TC/CA legal representative starts Support Center in DAF ePortal.
  2. In the main menu of Support Center, the TC/CA legal representative selects [User Administration].
  3. In the [User Administration] menu, the TC/CA legal representative selects [Request to de-register IO employee].
  4. The TC/CA legal representative fills out and submits the request form with the TC/CA employee information.
  5. Your registration request will be processed as soon as possible and the TC/CA legal representative will receive a message after the account has been de-activated.