1. General
- What is the purpose of this site?
This site provides you all the requested information that is required for periodic technical inspections on DAF trucks, in compliance with regulation EU 2019/621.
- Is this site in compliance with the current regulation towards access to vehicle technical information for periodic technical inspections?
Yes, this site complies with the current regulation EU 2019/621.
- For whom is this site available?
This site is available for all authorized Testing Centers and competent authorities that perform periodic technical inspections on DAF trucks. You must be registered to obtain access to the vehicle technical information.
- What information is available on the site?
You can find all vehicle technical information on DAF ePortal that is requested by regulation EU 2019/621 to perform a periodic technical inspection on a DAF truck.
- In which language is the repair and maintenance information available?
The information on DAF ePortal is available in the 8 main languages: Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Polish.
The vehicle technical information in the DAF RMI application is available in all official EU languages.
- What can I contact the helpdesk for?
You can contact the helpdesk for any questions or remarks that you may have about this site.
- When can I access the DAF ePortal?
You can access DAF ePortal at any time, apart from the maintenance hours that are scheduled every Sunday between 0:00 AM and 6:00 AM CET.